Nerli congratulates M. on the tremendous success of his Clizia staged on the Florentine countryside in the gardens of “Il Fornaciaio” (Jacopo di Filippo Falconetti).
Discover the different practices and forms of Machiavellian otium across a selection of letters taken from Niccolò Machiavelli’s correspondence between 1512 and 1527.
Nerli congratulates M. on the tremendous success of his Clizia staged on the Florentine countryside in the gardens of “Il Fornaciaio” (Jacopo di Filippo Falconetti).
Description of a day in M.’s life in his villa in Sant’Andrea in Percussina (San Casciano). This letter is M.’s most famous letter because in it he informs Francesco Vettori that he is writing “un opuscolo de principatibus” later identified as The Prince. He asks Vettori to convey his “opuscule” to the Medici.
M.’s description of the collapse of the Soderini government and the return of the Medici after the atrocities committed by the Spanish army during the sack of Prato.