Machiavellian Networks of Letters
Even as a practice of otium and leisure, Machiavelli’s correspondence is part of a rather complex tissue of political, social, and economic relationships. We have tried to visualize the evolution of these Machiavellian interactions with Flourish. This dynamic graphic analysis is still part of a work in progress and will offer a comprehensive view of the letters as tools for building up systems of exchange, networking, and patronage. This analysis is facilitated by using software such as Flourish, which is specifically designed for creating, exploring, and analyzing network graphs. It focuses on the temporal dimension of those parts of the correspondence that are relevant to the research questions of the project. Their visual representation sheds light on the distribution and evolution of Machiavelli’s epistolary network and its historical context. This network page will gradually be supplemented by visualizations with links to the research results.

Discover the different practices and forms of Machiavellian otium across a selection of letters taken from Niccolò Machiavelli’s correspondence between 1512 and 1527.
This interactive network diagram provides insight into the epistolary network of Niccolò Machiavelli. The diagram presents a force-directed graph representation (also known as a “node-link diagram”) of Machiavelli’s correspondence. For the moment, you can search by correspondent via the full text search of the database.
Explore the geographical landscape of Niccolò Machiavelli’s correspondence between the years 1509 and 1527 with these two interactive maps. The visualizations employ templates designed for showcasing geographic datasets over time. These maps illustrate the locations in Italy where the examined letters were written, offering insights into the spatial dimensions of Machiavelli’s network.
Delve into the intricate web of communication between Niccolò Machiavelli and his correspondents through this interactive Chord Diagram, showcasing relationships and connections within his circle.